The Janeiro-na-Madeira (J-n-M) Event 2023 on proteomics and related topics

The Janeiro-na-Madeira (J-n-M) Event 2023 on proteomics and related topics

The first J-n-M meeting in January 2022 encompassed in its hybrid format two EU consortia meetings and 15 lectures delivered by best speakers from EU, USA, Canada and Argentina. Over 80 individual attendees listened to the lectures online, and 11 participants were present in person. The second J-n-M event will take place on January 8-13,…

Autumn 2022: Online National Seminar Series in Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics

Autumn 2022: Online National Seminar Series in Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics

Join our national online seminar series to increase the visibility of national proteomics research and provide a platform for discussion and new collaborations! Program Autumn 2022 How? We meet online. For link to the zoom meeting: contact get information about how to join online. When? Every second Thursday at 11-12 Sept 15thAndré Mateus, Umeå…