Swedish National Infrastructure for Biological Mass Spectrometry
On this page
About BioMS
Management group
Steering Committee
The BioMS Nodes
About BioMS
BioMS is a nationally distributed infrastructure for biological mass spectrometry and proteomics, enabling the cutting-edge mass spectrometry and related advanced technology platforms to be part of research projects across Sweden. Each node offers specialized analytical techniques and experimental knowledge to meet the Swedish life science community demands. Biological mass spectrometry is an indispensable tool for molecular researchers in biology, medicine and beyond. The fast development and wide variety of instrumentation makes it challenging to access state-of-the-art instrumentation by the Swedish life science community. In 2015, the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) granted funds to found the BioMS consortium. The establishment of BioMS is of national strategic importance in order to develop and strengthen the life science community beyond the genomic era.
To facilitate the support, BioMS provides a portal for project requests. We welcome project requests in the BioMS focus areas defined under technologies. Each project is evaluated and prioritized by the nodes according to preset criteria: feasibility, relevant research plan, national importance and synergies with other infrastructures or partners. If access is granted, the project is assigned to the site with most relevant expertise. If access cannot be granted due to a low score, the project will receive feedback and is welcome to resubmit.
Photo: Tobias Ohlsson/KI
Follow the link below to view a list of published scientific articles by users of the BioMS infrastructure.
BioMS Management Group
The role of the BioMS manager group includes:
- Execution and coordination of the node activities including projects, knowledge transfer, coordination of instrument capacities etc
- Preparation of business plan, strategic plan and annual reports
- Education, outreach, marketing and administration
Bo Baldetorp
Director of BioMS (Lund University)

Carina Sihlbom
Node Manager
(University of Gothenburg)

Janne Lehtiö
Node manager (Karolinska Institutet)

Sven Kjellström
(Lund University)

Massimiliano Gaetani
(Karolinska Institutet)

Johan Malmström
Node manager (Lund University)

Otto Savolainen
Vice Node manager (University of Gothenburg/Chalmers University of Technology)

Magnus Zätterström,
Project coordinator (Lund University)

Maria Pernemalm
(Karolinska Institutet)

Helena Bäckvall
Administrator (Karolinska Institutet)

BioMS Steering Committee
The role of the BioMS Steering Committee includes:
- Decision on the yearly budget distribution
- Approval of business plan, strategic plan and annual report
- Approval of policies for access to the infrastructure
Henrik Antti, chair (Umeå University)
Anders Gustafsson (Karolinska Institutet)
Eric Hanse (University of Gothenburg)
Karin Jirström (Lund University)
Pia Davidsson (Astra Zeneca)
Bernhard Kuster (Technical University of Munich)
Jesper Petersson (Region Skåne)
The nodes
The national infrastructure BioMS is distributed in three sites, Lund ; Gothenburg and Stockholm. All nodes integrate their work to provide access and education to the entire Swedish research community. The nodes collaborate closely to provide cutting edge mass spectrometry capabilities, develop and launch new support. Each of the three nodes is specialized in defined analytical techniques and applications to meet the needs of the Swedish life science community.
- The National Node for Targeted Proteomics and Protein Conformation – Lund University
- The National Node for Glycomics and Glycoproteomics – University of Gothenburg, Lipidomics – Chalmers university of Technology
- The National Node for Proteogenomics and Chemical Proteomics – Karolinska institutet
Each node consists of a defined working group, including staff leader and technical experts.