User Project Application
BioMS provides a portal for project requests. We welcome project requests in the BioMS focus areas defined under technologies. Each project is evaluated and prioritized. If access is granted, the project is assigned to the site with most relevant expertise.
We aim to facilitate MS-based research to address biological mass spectrometric applications in life science nationally.
Note that this is not a grant application, there will be a cost for your project, subsidized by the Swedish Research Council.
Good research practice
BioMS encourage all researchers to follow the guidelines from the Swedish research council regarding good research practice including ethical considerations. PI’s are responsible for valid ethical approval of research studies.
Good Reserach practice (Swedish Research Council)
God forskningssed (Vetenskapsrådet)
The project application form
In the application form you will be asked to fill in the SCB classification code (mandatory), and your ORCID.
For classification code: Find more information on pages 10-21 in Standard för svensk indelning
av forskningsämnen (SCB)
For your ORCID, find more information on the orcid website.
The application form is not well functioning in Firefox v49 or earlier and is not adapted to smartphones or units with small screens.